If talking shit get's people into hitting others, then the people hitting has some anger management issues.
Not wanting to derail this thread, but I can't believe there's plenty of people actually defending the aggressor, and condemning a victim.
People usually don't go around making jokes about other people's medical conditions, mate.
They don't? Of course they do.
And, context matters. There's a big difference between a malicious comment, and a playful joke.
Have you even heard the joke?
What was so wrong about it, that warranted a physical assault on somebody?
In case you don't remember, people made a big deal about Demi Moore shaving her head to take on the role.
And, the film portrayed a strong female role, in a male-centric military.
For me, growing up in the 80's, humour was always a sort of coping mechanism, especially in times of tragedy.
People laugh at wars. Murders like the OJ trial. Anything can be the source of humour.
This doesn't not mean people don't care.
I've been in funerals were people were making joke about their dead relatives.
Again, humour is a way to cope, and a source of playful interaction.
Yeah, I'm clearly wasting my time.
It deeply saddens me that people like you exist in this society.
So easy, and willing, to jump to violence, over... nothing.