|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've been re-thinking my team setup as mentioned, and gave Chongyun + Razor another try. Unfortunately I was right to replace chongyun earlier on :(
At a first glance they have amazing synergy: Chongs E creates a zone that converts every melee attack inside into Cryo. Razor's burst adds electro damage to every melee attack, so you indeed cause Superconduct with every single hit.

But that's deceptive. Superconduct reduces defense by 50% when applied... but only physical defence. And since that combination makes all physical attacks Cryo... well. It looks visually awesome but ultimately doesn't improve damage at all.

I should maybe give Kaeya a try instead of Chong. The Cryo + Electro combination seems to be a better fit for Razor than Fire + Electro and Kaeya's burst should be pretty good for that, though I haven't used him outside of the story stuff since I got Chong at the beginning and thought he was just straight up better :grimacing-face: . No more expedition duty for you!

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
30 Primogems

US - genshinMHY0M
EU - genshinMHY0O
ASIA - genshinMHY0I
Installing the game today, are there other available codes like these ?


Mar 12, 2019
Wanted an Anemo character that wasn't the Traveler so I've been rolling the Venti banner and finally hitting the 5 star at 78 rolls today and I get Mona.

In game rain was matching my feelings. :loudly-crying-face: She does seem interesting though so I'll rotate her in and see if I like her.

I also wanted to ask though, so I know the pity is reset and if I were to somehow get another 5 star in the Venti banner it would be Venti 100%. As a F2P it's unlikely though. Is it true it rolls over to the next event banner? I think pity rolls over but does 100% roll for the featured character carry over as well? If I can't get Venti wind boy, I can try for Xiao wind boy.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Wanted an Anemo character that wasn't the Traveler so I've been rolling the Venti banner and finally hitting the 5 star at 78 rolls today and I get Mona.

In game rain was matching my feelings. :loudly-crying-face: She does seem interesting though so I'll rotate her in and see if I like her.

I also wanted to ask though, so I know the pity is reset and if I were to somehow get another 5 star in the Venti banner it would be Venti 100%. As a F2P it's unlikely though. Is it true it rolls over to the next event banner? I think pity rolls over but does 100% roll for the featured character carry over as well? If I can't get Venti wind boy, I can try for Xiao wind boy.
Mona is great though, the best mage in the game right now. Unlike most other mages, Mona can actually be a main DPS. Combine her with Fischl's bird and you'll wreck everything with electro-charged crits. She also has a special sprinting move, faster than the regular sprint.

It's true, pity will be carried over to the next banner if you didn't manage to get it on the current one.


Mar 12, 2019
Mona is great though, the best mage in the game right now. Unlike most other mages, Mona can actually be a main DPS. Combine her with Fischl's bird and you'll wreck everything with electro-charged crits. She also has a special sprinting move, faster than the regular sprint.

It's true, pity will be carried over to the next banner if you didn't manage to get it on the current one.
Yeah she seems cool. Leveling her up right now and her sprint is unique (though Ayaka seems to have a frost version, so not too unique). I had a second team planned out for Abyss now I'll have to rethink about the composition. I also want to stop using the MC and using Anemo for a puzzle then switching back to Geo for another puzzle. So there's nothing wrong with her, she just doesn't fit my current needs. Hey who knows, she might become my favorite if I can grab some gear on her.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I also wanted to ask though, so I know the pity is reset and if I were to somehow get another 5 star in the Venti banner it would be Venti 100%. As a F2P it's unlikely though. Is it true it rolls over to the next event banner? I think pity rolls over but does 100% roll for the featured character carry over as well? If I can't get Venti wind boy, I can try for Xiao wind boy.
We don't know for sure if the "2nd pity" with the 100% carries over as well, or if it will always be treated as if you'd reach pity the first time on a new banner.
Depends on how greedy they want to be, I guess.

Found and unlocked all the shrines in Mondstadt! :evilblob:
And only missing 1 Anemoculi :negative-blob:
But I think I'll just wait until 1.1 for that, I think I remember there being something about a compass for the last few missing Oculi in an area in the leaked patchnotes?

On to the Liyue sidequests I haven't done yet, and activating the last few teleporters.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
And only missing 1 Anemoculi :negative-blob:
But I think I'll just wait until 1.1 for that, I think I remember there being something about a compass for the last few missing Oculi in an area in the leaked patchnotes?
I'm missing 5 Anemoculi. I hope that compass rumor is true as it'll make finding the last one less of annoyance.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
The compass is a leak from the beta version, so it's definitely coming. I'm also missing a few anemo and I'll miss a lot of geo too. I'm not gonna torture myself finding the rest of them without a compass. Hopefully it's easy to obtain or craftable.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Gonna try to round up the Oculi in Mondstadt this weekend. Only 6 missing!
And still a bunch of places in Liyue I haven't explored yet :evilblob:
I only miss 2 in Mondstadt, but I think I'll wait for the Oculus-finding-item now for those. I don't want to look anything up and I don't know of any areas anymore where I haven't looked.


Mar 12, 2019
I have all of them in Mondstatdt but I have an extra one.

Maybe Ascheroth could use it? :face-savouring-delicious-food:

I actually did grab all of them but just yesterday I found one extra one. It's actually in my inventory. Don't know how it spawned but I also don't remember getting it for my run of them but my statue is fully upgraded so?
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I have all of them in Mondstatdt but I have an extra one.

Maybe Ascheroth could use it? :face-savouring-delicious-food:

I actually did grab all of them but just yesterday I found one extra one. It's actually in my inventory. Don't know how it spawned but I also don't remember getting it for my run of them but my statue is fully upgraded so?
I've read that every area has 1 extra.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018

I'm still 20~ pulls from pity, so I'll take some pulls from that banner for Sucrose and/or Xingqu. Hopefully I don't get Klee and hit the pity lol. I'll save the pity for Xiao in the next banner if all is according to plan.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

I'm still 20~ pulls from pity, so I'll take some pulls from that banner for Sucrose and/or Xingqu. Hopefully I don't get Klee and hit the pity lol. I'll save the pity for Xiao in the next banner if all is according to plan.
I'm in a similiar boat - don't want Klee but Sucrose or Xingqu would be nice.
Though I'm only 15 away from pity, so I probably shouldn't "risk" it.

On another note, I got the first achievemnt in the "Olah!" series (the one about communicating with Hilichurls) today - I really enjoy the daily commisions that are basically small sidequests from NPCs. (As far as I've observed, you get 1 "proper" NPC sidequest and 3 about just clearing camps or the like per day).


Hentai Specialist
Sep 20, 2018
oh these weapons ascension dungeons are lvl59 now, my characters are still 40-50 lol

i'm out of exp scrolls and out of mora

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Can I hope to play the game in 4k 60 with just a 2600x and a 2060 super ?
Not the end of the world if not the case but it must look pretty good on a 4k set.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Can I hope to play the game in 4k 60 with just a 2600x and a 2060 super ?
Not the end of the world if not the case but it must look pretty good on a 4k set.
Should be doable.

I'm playing it at 1440p x 1.3 internal render resolution scaling on an i5 4670k and a 2060

I weighed my options and after careful consideration ended up going for pity on the Venti banner. And I got him! (on pull 80, so 10 before pity actually, but I did a 10 pull while I was at 75, so technically I'm now at 85).
Since he is more useful for exploration for me than Klee is (Having to constantly switch between Geo and Anemo traveller during Liyue exploration got really old), he was the better option from the both of them and now I can also do some pulls on the Klee banner to get Sucrose and Xingqiu, without having to worry about "wasting" my pity. (Their passives are very useful for crafting).

The question is, how I do I fit him into my combat team eventually :thinking-face:
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I weighed my options and after careful consideration ended up going for pity on the Venti banner. And I got him! (on pull 80, so 10 before pity actually, but I did a 10 pull while I was at 75, so technically I'm now at 85).
Since he is more useful for exploration for me than Klee is (Having to constantly switch between Geo and Anemo traveller during Liyue exploration got really old), he was the better option from the both of them and now I can also do some pulls on the Klee banner to get Sucrose and Xingqiu, without having to worry about "wasting" my pity. (Their passives are very useful for crafting).

The question is, how I do I fit him into my combat team eventually :thinking-face:

But seriously, your first team is already great. Just put Venti on a second team for Abyss runs, and you'll always use him in exploration.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

But seriously, your first team is already great. Just put Venti on a second team for Abyss runs, and you'll always use him in exploration.
Sorry Xiao!

But really, I just wanted a 5 star character :negative-blob: (was half hoping the 50% of not getting Venti would kick in and I'd get Mona or Keqing :grimacing-face: )
I did the maths and I should be able to hit pity after Xiao's banner again (assuming I buy the Welkin pass again, which so far I really don't mind considering how much time I've already put into this game and will likely continue to).

But yeah, probably not gonna change my main team. But since I eventually want to level and gear all/most of them anyway, I'll find something in due time. (I really want to use Beidou eventually).


Mar 12, 2019
I'm hearing the 100% character does pity does roll over. I'm torn between Klee and Xiao. Both seem interesting.

I wonder how they're going to deal with characters in the future. It's going to be a hard sell if a new character is a four star. Doesn't make that super compelling to roll for. Will they just give them for free and put them in the pool of characters, making it harder to get constellation? Will they just add a six star for super duper chocolaty fudge rare character? The potential power creep is not the best feeling.


Dec 21, 2018
You can try Klee right now in her AR32 quest, or tomorrow in her free trial.
I don't think i like her gameplay at all.

And yeah, 4 stars will be banner fodder. Rrobably not too hard to get at least... but who knows what they'll do later.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I'm hearing the 100% character does pity does roll over. I'm torn between Klee and Xiao. Both seem interesting.

I wonder how they're going to deal with characters in the future. It's going to be a hard sell if a new character is a four star. Doesn't make that super compelling to roll for. Will they just give them for free and put them in the pool of characters, making it harder to get constellation? Will they just add a six star for super duper chocolaty fudge rare character? The potential power creep is not the best feeling.
I assume new 4 stars will be included in the general pool and maybe part of a rate-up banner alongside a new 5 star (or maybe a rate up banner for an old 5 star, but with new 4 stars or something like that) and will definitely be achievable via events at some point.

Like, if there's a 4 star character whose design/gameplay/personality I like, I wouldn't mind rolling on a rate-up banner ¯\(ツ)
Plenty 4 stars are really good, and since nothing in this game really requires extremely beefed up all-star teams aside from maybe "end-game" (aka Spiral Abyss, which I don't really care about), for me design/personality/gameplay is still more important than just raw "strength".

You can try Klee right now in her AR32 quest, or tomorrow in her free trial.
I don't think i like her gameplay at all.

And yeah, 4 stars will be banner fodder. Rrobably not too hard to get at least... but who knows what they'll do later.
Yeah, I didn't really like her gameply that much as well, so I'll sit her out and only throws some rolls at the banner in hopes of getting Sucrose and/or Xingqui.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Klee banner is live for us EU folks.

Got Xingqui and Sucrose with 13 pulls, nice nice. That's everything I wanted, so time to save up again for Zhongli/Childe/Ayaka/whoever.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Decided to try this and the A/B button swap thing is maybe enough for me to quit until there’s a way to remap them. There’s a lot of time spent in menus in this, and I keep pressing the wrong buttons! I can’t convince my fingers or brain that B is for confirm and A is to cancel.

Also weird how in a game that seems to have a lot of verticality in its environments, Y axis camera movement (with a controller) is sooo slow.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Congrats! You've beaten the game by getting Diluc.

Decided to try this and the A/B button swap thing is maybe enough for me to quit until there’s a way to remap them. There’s a lot of time spent in menus in this, and I keep pressing the wrong buttons! I can’t convince my fingers or brain that B is for confirm and A is to cancel.

Also weird how in a game that seems to have a lot of verticality in its environments, Y axis camera movement (with a controller) is sooo slow.
Check this out. I've been using this and it's great.
PSA for controller users:

You can actually add Genshin to Steam and use the overlay for custom controller config. It didn't work at first for me, but the fix was simple, just run Steam and the game as administrator.

That said, there's already a community made config with gyro aiming enabled by holding L2. Furthermore, since the inverted confirm/cancel buttons seem to annoy a lot of people, this can fix that problem too. Simply switch the A and B button from the Steam configuration and you're all set. Just pretend that you're playing on a Switch Pro controller or something.

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
My first 10x pull on the Klee banner:

Fuck me, I really wanted Klee tho'.
Your next 5* will now definitely be Klee, though whether you have enough pulls is a different question :thinking-face:

Sucrose and Xingqui's passives are sooooo useful.
Sucrose gives you a 10% chance to get double the result when crafting character or weapon enhancement mats.
Xingqui gives you a 25% chance to refund part of the materials when crafting talent books.
Small things, but they're probably going to help a lot in the long run. Especially Sucroses. I'm at AR 36 now and Razor needs billions of those Stained Masks for everything - Ascension, talents, even his weapon :sweaty-blob: .

Gonna do the Venti quest today, I've heard it's supposedly the best written content in the game :evilblob:


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
New survey for 30k Mora, better than nothing for a 5 minute survey. I wish I can choose more than 5 in this question though lol.

Also, it seems that they updated their Asia server location as well. I've got 90ms latency now compared to 2x times of that before. Good stuff.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
New survey for 30k Mora, better than nothing for a 5 minute survey. I wish I can choose more than 5 in this question though lol.

Also, it seems that they updated their Asia server location as well. I've got 90ms latency now compared to 2x times of that before. Good stuff.
I'm of two minds regarding the "not enough content" talks.
On one hand, I think the game has a ton of content right of the gate. I've played at least 60-70 hours until I'd finished the available story and side quests (and I'm still not entirely done with all side quests).
The way I say it it, the game has content until ~AR 29-30 (which is where the last story quest ends, although things are "fine" until AR35). It only starts becoming miserable at AR35+, which is far ahead of the current "content limit". In my mind, once you'd reach that rank naturally with story quests, there would already be other activities for getting mones and materials, so it wouldn't be as dire as it right now.
But on the other hand the game constantly funnels your AR forward if you just play a little every day and it absolutely wants you to play a little every day if you plan on sticking around for longer, so you inevitably run into that wall.
I wish they'd just capped your AR at 30 or something and only increased the limit when new story quests come out. (And subsequently made the required mats for upgrading characters and gear beyond that lower, or added new activities alongside raising the cap that would make it bearable).

You'd probably reach that cap before new content that raises it releases, but you can then work on bringing up other characters and playing around with team compositions, which is currently not really feasible, because of how expensive everything gets and you should at leas keep (some of) your main party up to speed.
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Dec 21, 2018
They needed to finish the story on a boss fight (that is coming next month it seems) at least.
Ending the main content on bringing a cup of tea to an NPC is just a big WTF moment.

And with the pretty specific questions in the survey today, it seems they're at least aware and thinking about the interest in new characters.
As it is, you can't even level up a new char that you get. Not even by ridiculous splurging on resin, you're capped every day, you're outright stuck on certain levels, this makes no sense... even the biggest whales can't focus on the new flavor of the month with their system, that's going to dissuade more than few to spend on rolls.
With all the 5 stars that they have in line, this seems like a recipe for disaster if even whaling is not helping you use the new guys.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
They needed to finish the story on a boss fight (that is coming next month it seems) at least.
Ending the main content on bringing a cup of tea to an NPC is just a big WTF moment.

And with the pretty specific questions in the survey today, it seems they're at least aware and thinking about the interest in new characters.
As it is, you can't even level up a new char that you get. Not even by ridiculous splurging on resin, you're capped every day, you're outright stuck on certain levels, this makes no sense... even the biggest whales can't focus on the new flavor of the month with their system, that's going to dissuade more than few to spend on rolls.
With all the 5 stars that they have in line, this seems like a recipe for disaster if even whaling is not helping you use the new guys.
I hadn't thought that far. It's for sure a weird system.
"Hey, here's this cool new character. For a lot of money it can be yours! Now spend 2-3 weeks slowly upgrading it until you can actually use it (y) "
Make me hopeful it will be changed for the better though.

I have a bunch of characters I wanna use and play around with, but no resources to make them useful :negative-blob:


Dec 13, 2018
The adjustment to the weekly resin requirement for the battle pass was nice. However, the only thing that increasing the cap to 160 does is lets me log in once a day. Otherwise, I really no reason to pull for additional 5* characters or weapons when it takes an eon to get them up and running.