Community MetaSteam | November 2023 - I'd Buy That For A Dollar...during a Steam Sale

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Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
I want to do something unheard of in this thread and recommend a book. Doom Guy: Life in First Person by John Romero. Great read. Lots of interesting stores from his childhood (messed up) to his early days with Id and beyond. Great read.

Pick it up if you are interested in Romero's stuff. I liked it better than Masters of Doom, but since it's by Romero himself there's probably some bias in it. Recommend from me.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I was excited for this as well. Anyone else getting frequent 1-3 second episodes where graphics freeze? Seems to be getting worse the further I get into the tutorial/introduction as well. Lowering the farthest viewing distance to far and lowering DLAA to DLSS Quality did not help. This is with a 4090 and 12900k system
I played it for a bit and I didn't have those graphic freezes so far.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I watched 2 hours of Cities Skylines 2 from my favorite streamer. Which, uh, tells a lot about how bored I must have been to watch a stream of the start of a city builder.
But hey.
It was in low, so ugly, and you could have fooled me if you said it was CS1. I could still fuck with it but I also read a steam review that said that a good chunk of the simulation (peoples movements, trade goods, etc.) are faked. Really ? What’s the fucking point then ?

So I looked at my CS1 and the complete package must cost in the 400 bucks ? Yeah, right…
And the essential dlc packs, two of them because greed, would still net me 60 ?

Those publishers really do their darnedest to get our worst impulses back or what ?

Not sure what I will do.
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South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Played 8 hours of Robocop yesterday (on Steam).

Its really fun! Basically a B movie in game form, and a dream Robocop game. The gun impact is really meaty, everything except for the grenade launcher feels really good to use! Shades of Soldier of Fortune, just a gibfest.

Strongly recommend you use a controller with rumble support, it adds a lot! I found the mouselook very floaty.
I want to do something unheard of in this thread and recommend a book. Doom Guy: Life in First Person by John Romero. Great read. Lots of interesting stores from his childhood (messed up) to his early days with Id and beyond. Great read.

Pick it up if you are interested in Romero's stuff. I liked it better than Masters of Doom, but since it's by Romero himself there's probably some bias in it. Recommend from me.
Interesting! Will add this to the list. Masters of Doom was an amazing book. :blobmorning2:


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Looks like the port is not good. Here is a Steam review of the port which addresses all the problems many have reported

Radiant Silvergun is one of the best shmups of all time, no questions about that.
I will, however, give this port a negative review for now due to the issues and limitations that currently exist.
1. You can remap keybindings, but you cannot map movement to the arrow keys;
2. Internal resolution is fixed at 720p;
3. People with AMD cards are having issues with framerate or refresh rate (not 100% sure);
4. Hi-Res mode with effects (bloom) causes some weird graphical glitches.
It's a disappointment since Ikaruga was a good port


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Completed MGS1 and MGS2.

I quite liked the MGS1 experience. I don't get the people who are tweaking this game to run at higher resolutions, because that makes the game look worse. I think replaying MGS1 reminded me a lot of playing it on PS1 back in the day, which is how I tend to emulate PS1 games. Only I get the QOL feature of auto disc switching and cloud saves baked in. The biggest flaw is they've clearly mapped analogue controls to the d-pad (thus only getting 8 directions of movement), rather than using the game's built-in 360 degree analogue movement feature. That said, I think people are expecting to get MGS2-style analogue movement (walk to run depending on tilt) which MGS1 never had. I hope they fix it, but it doesn't make the game unplayable.

MGS2 is a very barebones port, as has been previously discussed. But what's there actually works. For MGS2 I applied the MGSHDFix mod that lets you play at higher than native resolution. They've even fixed all the weird MGS2 UI issues that come with higher resolutions - the fact that these fixes have been done in less than a week makes me wonder why this wasn't a feature added to the game launcher. I mean, we all know why: Konami did the absolute bare minimum to make these games function.

One weird thing that happened (but thankfully isn't as serious as it sounds) with MGS2 was a soft save "corruption" bug. It's not actually corrupted, but for some weird reason, every time you save it gets assigned a weird random filename (and the old one is deleted) rather one file being updated/overwritten. So sometimes this causes Steam Cloud to screw up and one save becomes two randomly-named files in one folder, creating a conflict.

I went into the save, backed up the folder, and deleted the older file while the game was running (to prevent Steam from redownloading it), and my save was restored. It only happened once, but it's weird and annoying and could potentially cause you issues if you're playing on more than one device.

My advice is if you're gonna use cloud saves, create a new file every time you save. This should prevent any corruption bugs and gives you the ability to "roll back" if it still does go belly up.

No performance issues for me, but I have a good PC and this is a barebones PS3 port, so I wasn't exactly expecting that. But other than the quite scary save "corruption" issue, it's actually still a good game that works from start to finish. I wish Konami had put more care into the QOL features, but it's functional, which you can't even say about some PC games (new and ports) at the moment.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I just spent 6 hours on the gamepass version of Cities Skylines 2. It’s a little hypnotic.
That being said it’s ugly as hell and IIRC the game is on high. I see zero difference with the first one, mayyyybe less irritating traffic but that could still come. Moving a bus stop is a crime against all that is holy, UI-wise.
And the balance is completely out of whack, I’m perpetually in the red but who cares because you are showered in money when you gain a level.

I’m interested enough to continue, though.


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2019
I think it’s really cool that Steam gamepad support has moved from just a generic “Controller Supported” to letting users see what works well with their specific pad. Since I have a DualSense that I use every now and then, this’ll be good to see when I’ll make the most of it.

It’d be cool if Valve had more tightly integrated support for more gamepads too, like 8BitDo. At the moment they just show as Xbox or Switch pads, depending on configuration.
Some sort of support for user defined pad layouts would be nice for outlier controllers. It's the one thing Xpadder supported that I miss in Steam input . I really want a display for 6 face button pads in particular.

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Sep 20, 2018
Honestly not too much, just nice little vibrations when he walks and shoots etc
I think that's the best way to implement haptics anyway. It should be subtle and hard to notice. if you notice it, then it's distracting and thus a detriment to the experience.

I love the way it's been implemented in Alan Wake 2 , adding to the atmosphere , but never something you think too much


May 5, 2019

Out now, even if those are "ill wait for a sale" games ;)


Blizzcon later today if I'm not mistaken. Mildly curious what's next for WOW


Best new game. Lmao.
With that price, I'm getting the feeling they are fishing for people that will buy any "soon to be delisted" game

Speaking of delisted, I was thinking about a delisted game and searched for it, but there are so SO many games getting delisted all the time and i barely remember anything about it. Maybe a few years old, based on a film or show, a bit like Lara Croft GO - isometric puzzle game. I was interested at the time but they wanted 20 bucks and it didn't look that interesting...
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manchego obfuscator

Jan 23, 2020
Played a couple hours of Legend of Tianding on Game Pass earlier this year; it's fine and has a nice visual style and setting but didn't really click with me. Fun combat mechanics, but level design is dull and traveling back and forth across the hub world gets stale pretty quick.

It's also definitely not a Metroidvania, so I'm not sure why a number of reviews out there incorrectly call it one.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
So is there any cure to Windows getting stuck on restart.

If someone suggest Linux I will post anime.


Mar 9, 2021
seriously tempted to switch back from my 7900xt to my 2070 super lol
LOL is AMD that bad nowadays? I remember that my first GPU was an ATI HD4850 back in 2009, and I loved that GPU

That GPU completely burned itself down though lmao


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
LOL is AMD that bad nowadays? I remember that my first GPU was an ATI HD4850 back in 2009, and I loved that GPU

That GPU completely burned itself down though lmao
I tried for one hour for the newest drivers to get to install properly.

This never happened to me with nvidia. Like, never ever. Even with the 'bad' drivers.


May 5, 2019

They announced three expansions for WOW (no word on a Steam release but I didnt expect it); an expansion for Diablo 4 and some other stuff. Usual Blizzcon fare :)

Also, WOW Cataclysm Classic, which I find very weird, since Cata was the expansion that revamped Classic completely.

Diablo 4 Expansion



The Angel of Deaf
Nov 17, 2018
Cata Classic is perhaps the dumbest thing ive heard

Everyone I know who still plays is going "ew thats dumb"

As someone who played from launch to WOTLK and then knows they introduced Instanced quests in Cataclysm why would they tout it as anything but the death bell for "classic" Lol


Sep 20, 2018
Alan Wake 2 has hands down one of the most amazing setpieces in all of videogames.

Just absolute Joy if you love Remedys works
Just goes to show what gaming could be when all the money isn't spend on just chasing boring trend and just letting creative people do what they like.
Sadly, I don't see Remedy getting as much creative freedom with any other publisher as they clearly had with ALan Wake 2


Jun 3, 2020
I recall Cacher loving Hardspace Shipbreaker a lot. Will probably nab this bundle, very curious about it.
Legend of Tianding looks up my alley as well.
Fantastic game. I still haven't gone through the main campaign (which was added after the early access). Need to get back to it soon. :blobevening:
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Jan 9, 2021
I for one am finding Alan Wake 2 a glorified walking simulator, with the actual gameplay sections feeling sloppy and just a hindrance to story progression. The staging is excellent, even though they stole A LOT from Twin Peaks Season 3
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Sep 20, 2018
Apropos, I always found "walking simulator" to be such a weird term. For one, I find the act of walking around to be often the most interesting aspects of any well rendered world, soaking in its beauty, atmosphere and just getting a sense of the place. And second, some of the most interesting games I played are very much "walking simulators", so my ears this just makes any game sound more interesting which I assume is not the intent, that people use it as a derogatory term.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Apropos, I always found "walking simulator" to be such a weird term. For one, I find the act of walking around to be often the most interesting aspects of any well rendered world, soaking in its beauty, atmosphere and just getting a sense of the place. And second, some of the most interesting games I played are very much "walking simulators", so my ears this just makes any game sound more interesting which I assume is not the intent, that people use it as a derogatory term.
It’s the same argument as football or racing games. Like sure I could go outside and kick a ball or get into my car and drive, but it’s not the same appeal is it.
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Sep 20, 2018
Wait AW2 is super linear? I thought it would be at least a little bit like the first one.
I think Control is a better example. The critical path is linear, but you have larger map where you can explore a lot of stuff and see optional content. From finding out more backstory to doing some missions to get powerful items, there's a number of things to do. The game also allows you to go back to older areas, where you can explore some closed off places once you get some tools to open them up.

AW2 is far less linear than Alan Wake 1. Sure, you had a car to drive around at some missions, but you could just follow one street and go forward, with the only choice being to occasionally stop and explore something on the way (which is still, by def. a linear experience).
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Been playing This Bed We Made, and I'm quite enjoying the Telltale-ness of it. Not that far in so I have no idea how it's going to pan out at the end, but for now I quite like the intrigue and mystery.

I saved the game last night near the beginning and it said I was about 10% of the way through the game, so I reckon I'll be done by the end of the weekend. That's not a bad thing, mind - games in general need to be shorter, I think.

So far though, I'm impressed at what the developer has been able to accomplish for a game that costs less than £20.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I for one am finding Alan Wake 2 a glorified walking simulator, with the actual gameplay sections feeling sloppy and just a hindrance to story progression. The staging is excellent, even though they stole A LOT from Twin Peaks Season 3
At this point, Remedy and derivative are synonymous..


Sep 20, 2018
A video game studio doing something DERIVATIVE?! damn, what a brazen idea, to take inspiration of other great pieces of art and even openly referencing them in your games, basically screaming to the audience: "yeah, we like these other works, not hiding where our inspirations lie".

No, sir, I for one only play games that are true avant-garde, completely original without any semblance of ideas that were ever uttered by anyone else in the last two thousand years.


Jun 3, 2020
One year after the world being blessed of Harvestella. Story and writing is fantastic, and the music is still inside my head. Especially recommended to Nier lovers.
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